You will receive an invoice on a monthly basis. Please check to ensure you are being charged correctly and report any queries within 5 working days. Invoices are to be paid within 28 days of the date of issue.
We can accept payment by online bank transfer, or by cash or cheque. Cheques should be made payable to BLUEBELL HILL NURSERY Ltd.
We will charge for all the sessions which have been allocated to your child as we have to employ the correct number of staff to run each session. There will however be the possibility of paying for occasional extra sessions if there are spare places. We cannot make reductions for part-sessions as staff are employed for each full session.
Parents are required to give 4 weeks’ notice of any change to childcare requirements. Parents who wish to take holidays during term time will need to give at least 4 weeks’ notice, in which case we will charge a half price “retainer fee” for the period of the holiday to cover staff costs.
Refunds cannot be made in respect of occasional absence, e.g. illnesses. Any absence associated with COVID 19 will be treated as absence through illness and therefore no refund will be made.
Non-payment/late payment
Late payment of fees will be subject to the following procedure:
To read our full policy click here
6-8 Rosehill
WS12 4RT